Name of Organization


The Corvette Club of San Luis Obispo County


Mission Statement

A. The purpose of SLO VETTES is to promote goodwill and camaraderie between owners of Corvettes.

B. We achieve this by having monthly meetings and organized club events.

C. SLO Vettes is a social club.


Membership Qualifications for membership shall be as follows:

A. A member must be a registered owner of a Corvette. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

          A.Membership fees shall be $60.00 for renewal per year due by December 1st of the prior year.      B.New applicants joining after July 1st shall pay $90.00. This prorated amount covers their dues for the remainder of the current year and all of the following year



The Elected Officers of this organization shall be the President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer and Events Chairperson who collectively will otherwise be referred to as the Board of Directors. Each officer shall serve a one year term. There are no term limits for elected officers. In the event of a vacancy of an elected office, the President may appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term. If there are no members willing to fill the vacancy, any board member may assume the responsibilities without any additional voting privileges of the vacated position until such time a replacement is designated and/or elected. Excluding the President and Vice President, any of these offices may be a shared position with only one vote.

A. President: Presides at all meetings and performs duties common to the office of President. Is responsible for overseeing all club actions and shall appoint chairpersons to serve on committees that he/she deems necessary. The President does not vote at any meeting unless there is a tie on a matter in dispute. If he/she deems necessary, the President may also call for a special meeting of the membership or Board of Directors for a vote decision. Provides the Newsletter Editor with a monthly write-up in a timely manner.

B. Vice-President: Responsible for maintaining a current membership roster and posting updates to the general membership throughout the year. Is responsible for the introductions of new and prospective members present at all functions. Is responsible for new member packets and the ordering of name tags for same. Provides the Newsletter Editor with a monthly write-up in a timely manner. Assumes duties of the President in their absence and shall take the office of President when called upon to do so by the Board of Directors.

C. Secretary: Responsible for maintaining an accurate written record of all proceedings entailed during club, board and special meetings and for incorporating any amendments passed at club meetings into the bylaws. Provides the Newsletter Editor a copy of the general meetings minutes in a timely manner.

D. Treasurer: Maintains an accurate record of all financial matters, including collection of fees. Keep records and receipts of all monies spent. Remit payment of all expenditures deemed necessary by the membership or the Board of Directors including insurance. Shall furnish the club with a monthly report of all financial transactions at the monthly meetings. Is responsible for closing the financial records at the end of each fiscal year.

E. Events Chairperson: Responsible for oversight of all events insuring that such events are chaired and organized correctly and in accordance with clubs standing rules. Will chair the Events Planning Meeting and provide a list of events to the Newsletter Editor and Webmaster for publication. Provides the Newsletter Editor with a monthly write-up in a timely manner.

F. Past President: The outgoing president may sit on the Board of Directors for one year as a advisory position without a vote.

The Appointed Officers of this organization shall be but not limited to the Newsletter Editor, Sunshine, Merchandise, National Corvette Museum

       Representative and Webmaster. These officers are appointed by the President. There are no term limits for appointed officers.

A. Newsletter Editor: Responsible for publishing and e-mailing/ mailing a monthly newsletter covering past and future club events to the membership. The Newsletter Editor shall give notice of all regular monthly membership meetings.

B. Sunshine: Will notify the membership of all celebrations/ noteworthy news and points of interest of a personal nature. Responsible for sending sympathy cards/flowers when appropriate. Provides the Newsletter Editor with a monthly write-up in a timely manner.

C. Merchandise: Responsible for the purchase and sale of club related articles and maintains an accurate inventory of these items. Shall report monthly all transactions to the Treasurer.

D. National Corvette Museum Representative: Is the liaison between SLO Vettes and the National Corvette Museum. Will be asked to share any new news at the monthly meetings. Provides the Newsletter Editor with a monthly write-up in a timely manner.

E. Web-Master: Web-Master maintains and updates the SLO Vettes website. Will keep the site current.



The President may assign a nomination/election committee. Nominations for elected officers will be held at the October meeting with elections taking place at the November meeting. Officers will assume duties at the January

Events Planning Meeting and must be members in good standing.



A. Regular meetings of the membership shall be held on the second Friday of each month at a place and time predetermined by the club.

B. Board meetings shall be called by the President and be conducted as necessary. Board meetings are intended for the elected board members only.

C. Special meetings of the board or membership, can be called for by the President at any time. A two week notice is required in writing/email when calling a special meeting.

D. All meetings should follow the guidelines of Robert’s “Rules of Order”.


Bank Account


A. Authorized Signatories

The organization shall maintain a checking account at a financial institution. Authorized signatures on the account shall be any one of the following: President, Treasurer or Events Chairperson.

B. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the organization shall be the calendar year.


All members of the Board of Directors and Appointed

Officers at the end of their term, must surrender all records, data and other properties pertaining to their position, to their successor.


Suspension/Expulsion of Members

Any member of the club may be suspended or expelled for acts that are unbecoming and/or unacceptable in manner or for failure in his or her duties or for acts detrimental to the good name of the club.

A. Suspension of a member shall result only after a majority vote of the Board of Directors or a special membership meeting called for that purpose. The decision can be appealed by the suspended/expelled member to a quorum of the general membership at the next general meeting.

B. Expulsion of a member shall result only by a unanimous vote by the Board of Directors or of a majority vote of the membership at a special membership meeting called for that purpose. The decision can be appealed to a quorum of the general membership by the expelled board member at the next general meeting.

C. Suspension or Expulsion and removable of a member of the Board of Directors can only take place after a unanimous vote of the remaining board members. The decision can be appealed to a quorum of the general membership by the expelled board member at the next general meeting.

D. In the event the President is removed from office or if he is unable to fulfill his term, the appointed officers will remain in their positions until the end of their term.



A. Amendment of Bylaws

      The bylaws may be amended upon a simple majority affirmative vote of the membership in attendance at a regular monthly meeting and shall be by written ballot. Voting on amendments shall fall under Robert’s Rules of Order; ie. any proposal of changes would be presented as new business and voted on at the next meeting.

B. Maintenance of Bylaws

The original or copy of these bylaws, as amended from time to time, shall be recorded and kept in the secretary’s journal.

C. Construction of Bylaws

If any dispute shall arise as to the meaning or intent of any language in these bylaws, the Board of Directors, by majority vote, shall have full and final authority to determine such interpretation.

D. Quorum

A quorum shall be a simple majority present at a regular monthly meeting or four members of the Board of Directors at a board meeting in order to transact business.

E. Disclaimer of Liability

No member of this organization shall be personally liable for the debts, liabilities or obligations of the organization.


The Corvette Club of San Luis Obispo County


1. All events shall pay for themselves, ie. when our club hosts an event which is not financed in the yearly budget, the organizer of the event must charge enough to cover all of the event’s expenses.

2. Fifteen dollars out of each member’s dues shall be earmarked towards the club’s annual Christmas party. This amount is based on a membership of 50. If needed, an adjustment will be made before the party.

3. All of the revenues generated from the 50/50 pot are to be earmarked towards the club’s annual Christmas party.

4. Any overages of funds from any event shall be earmarked towards the club’s annual Christmas party.

5. At the end of the year, monies that have been budgeted but not disbursed, may be donated to the National Corvette Museum. The amount donated shall be determined by a vote of the membership.

6. Expenditures outside of an officer’s budget totaling $100.00 or more requires pre-approval by the Board of Directors.

7. Membership will be considered delinquent if yearly dues are not paid by March 1st (90 days late) and will be dropped from the membership list at that time. Prorated dues do not apply to members rejoining from the prior year.

8. Any expenditure for an event which is subsidized by the club requires prior signed approval by the Events Chairperson.

Rescinded & Ratified January 21, 2024